The influences upon the approach

There are many influences upon the development of the approach, principal amongst them are: 

Teaching for Understanding

The work of Project Zero on teaching for understanding at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, led by David Perkins, Howard Gardner and Veto Perrone. This ground-breaking work, which developed in partnership with schools in Boston, led to the formulation of the ‘Teaching for Understanding Framework’ to promote deeper and more thoughtful learning. This approach has now been developed widely across the world and David is now working in partnership with several Local Authorities in Scotland, working through the organisation, Tapestry.

Project Zero – Teaching for Understanding

Multiple Intelligence Theory

Multiple Intelligence Schools

Howard Gardner’s work on Multiple Intelligence Theory which has had a world-wide impact in helping teachers to reconceptualise their perceptions and understanding of children’s potential and been the source of much debate in academia, taking forward the boundaries of knowledge within this controversial field.

‘Activating Children’s Thinking Skills’

Carol McGuinness’ ‘Activating Children’s Thinking Skills’ – a programme which was initially developed in Northern Ireland in collaboration with schools but which has subsequently been developed further through the Teaching and Learning Research Programme.

Thinking Skills Outcomes TLRP

Achievement Motivation

Carol Dweck and Elaine Elliot’s work on achievement motivation which examines the relationship between people’s conceptualisations of their intelligence and how these influence their motivations and subsequent behaviour. Carol has subsequently published ‘Mindsets’, an accessible exploration of her theories and has presented her work at the ‘Centre for Confidence and Wellbeing’ in Glasgow.

‘The Motivated School’

Alan McLean’s work on ‘The Motivated School’ which also draws upon Dweck and Elliot’s work.

Short video clips of David Perkins, Carol McGuinness, Alan McLean and Carol Dweck can be found on the ‘Journey to Excellence’ Scottish Government website.

All of the above are explored in Chapter 4 of the book, ‘Using Support Groups to Improve Behaviour’.