Project Management

The Project was managed via a Steering Group consisting of:

  1. The Project Leader [Dr Joan Mowat]
  2. The Project Consultant [Stuart Hall, SCRE]
  3. Representatives from each Local Authority
  4. Cluster Leaders

It had been the intention to have a single Steering Group but, for practical reasons, separate Steering Groups pertained for both Local Authorities. This was unfortunate as opportunities for collaboration were lost. Meetings took place at regular points throughout the project, steering the direction of it. The participation and commitment of Local Authority and school personnel was very valued and crucial to the success of the project.

Meet the Research Team

Dr Joan Mowat – Lead Investigator and Project Leader

Dr Joan Mowat Project Leader

Joan is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Education at Strathclyde University. She is a highly experienced teacher and spent the last seven years in schools as a Depute Head Teacher. She first developed the approach with a grant from the Gordon Cook Foundation and her Ph D was based upon an evaluation of it. She is an experienced researcher with a wide range of publications and conference presentations.

Mr Stuart Hall – Project Consultant

Mr Stuart Hall   Project Consultant

Stuart is a highly experienced researcher who works for the Scottish Council for Research in Education based at Glasgow University. He has contributed to more than 60 research projects – many associated with issues of social inclusion. He is well versed both in quantitative and qualitative methods and has a particular interest in action research.

Miss Myrthe Jacobs – Research Assistant

Myrthe Jacobs Research Assistant

Myrthe is from the Netherlands and is in her final year of a Ph D in psychology at Strathclyde University. Her research currently focuses on behaviour problems in children with learning disabilities. In particular, she is looking at how parents think about these behaviour problems and how they deal with them.



Miss Naomi Bowers 

Naomi is also a psychology student within the University of Strathclyde and is in her 2nd year of pursuing her PhD.